Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cognitive barriers to environmental action

New study from Harvard Business School Working Papers:
Cognitive Barriers to Environmental Action: Problems and Solutions
"... people intuitively discount the future to a greater degree than can be rationally defended. Second, positive illusions lead us to conclude that energy problems do not exist or are not severe enough to merit action. Third, we interpret events in a self-serving manner, a tendency that causes us to expect others to do more than we do to solve energy problems."

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Postsecondary support for entrepreneurship

From Industry Canada: The Teaching and Practice of Entrepreneurship within Canadian Higher Education Institutions, December 2010
"Overall, the survey shows Canadian higher education institutions are actively involved in offering entrepreneurship education as well as in providing a network of practitioners and the necessary facilities to support students interested in entrepreneurship... However, having an overall objective to deliver entrepreneurship education within an institution was absent in over two thirds of responding institutions. In most cases, entrepreneurship education was offered in only one or two (principally business and engineering) faculties. While institutions do make efforts to motivate and support entrepreneurship opportunities on campus, less than one third of surveyed institutions had an objective to deliver entrepreneurship opportunities to students in all faculties."

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Internet's impact on social interaction

From the Pew Research Center: The Social Side of the Internet
"...75% of all American adults are active in some kind of voluntary group or organization and internet users are more likely than others to be active..."

Goodbye Delicious?

From Wired Campus: Alternatives to Delicious
Yahoo will be selling off Delicious. When is anyone's guess. As a result of this announcement Delicious users have been downloading their bookmarks and moving to other social bookmarking sites. Check out some popular alternatives.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Assessing the impact of scholarly articles is changing

From Inside Higher Ed: New Measures of Scholarly Impact
Some online journals are already publishing social media impact metrics alongside their articles. The Public Library of Science, widely known as PloS, which publishes seven open-access journals, earlier this fall began sharing not only how many times an article has been cited by other academic articles, but also how many times it has been commented on, rated, blogged about, hyperlinked, and bookmarked online."