Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

New business database - Gale Business Insights: Global

RRU Library has a new business database - Gale Business Insights: Global.  It's great for case studies and economic and industry information.  All our specialized databases can be accessed via the Article Databases tab on our webpage.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Aboriginal identity population projections to 2031 just released

"The Aboriginal identity population in Canada, estimated at 1.3 million in 2006, could reach between 1.7 million and 2.2 million in 2031 according to the scenarios developed in these population projections. Aboriginal peoples would then represent between 4.0% and 5.3% of the Canadian population, compared to 3.9% in 2006."

Monday, December 5, 2011

Canadian productivity

"...labour productivity growth in Canada has slowed to an average of just 0.7 percent per year in the 2000s, less than half the rate in the 1990s and far below the 2.7 percent annual growth in the United States. The productivity slowdown in manufacturing industries is even larger. This has ominous implications for income growth as well as international competitiveness."